{"id":4445,"date":"2024-04-20T17:38:11","date_gmt":"2024-04-20T17:38:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/?page_id=4445"},"modified":"2024-05-03T14:43:26","modified_gmt":"2024-05-03T14:43:26","slug":"best-tutoring-in-merced-ca","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/tutoring\/california\/best-tutoring-in-merced-ca\/","title":{"rendered":"Best Tutoring in Merced, CA"},"content":{"rendered":"

There are many great options for tutoring in Merced. Our top choice for best tutoring center in Merced is Blue Jam Music Studio Academic tutoring is important to help Merced students keep up in school and advance. Tutoring is available for math, ELA, science and more.<\/p>\n

Top 3 Tutoring Centers in Merced<\/h2>\n

1. Blue Jam Music Studio, 5\/5<\/a>
ABC Private Tutoring, 4.5\/5<\/a>
Boys 2 Men Girls 2 Women, 4.5\/5<\/a><\/p>\n

10 Best Tutoring Options in Merced<\/h2>\n

1. Blue Jam Music Studio<\/h3>\n

Rating: 5\/5
\nPhone: (323) 536-3779
\nAddress: 530 E Estate Dr Tulare, CA 93274
\nWebsite: http:\/\/www.bluejamusicstudio.com
\nAbout: Blue Jam Music specializes in everything strings. Whether you want to learn Piano, Violin, Cello, Viola, Guitar, Bass Guitar, or Ukulele, we’ve got you covered! In addition, Blue Jam offers Vocal Lessons and Songwriting classes. Lessons are adapted to the students musical goals and style preferences, including classical, jazz, and rock\/pop music. Established in 2013. Blue Jam Music Studio began in the privacy of the owner Taryn Lounsbury’s small creative space in Brooklyn, NY. Recently relocated from Los Angeles, Taryn has trained and worked with many Hollywood stars and musicians. She has designed a unique, creative musical experience geared specifically towards the goals and needs of each individual student. Most importantly, Blue Jam Music is a safe space to explore the many facets and therapeutic aspects of music.<\/p>\n

2. ABC Private Tutoring<\/h3>\n

Rating: 4.5\/5
\nPhone: (559) 916-5985
\nAddress: 7543 N Ingram Ave Ste 106 Fresno, CA 93711
\nWebsite: http:\/\/abcprivatetutoring.com
\nAbout: As we face these unprecedented times, the transition to study from home can take its toll. Need a little help homeschooling your child? We are here to help. K-8th grade all subjects! Special rate until End of this school year $35\/hr All online tutoring sessions will be held using the Zoom video conferencing software.<\/p>\n

3. Boys 2 Men Girls 2 Women<\/h3>\n

Rating: 4.5\/5
\nPhone: (559) 225-9300
\nWebsite: http:\/\/www.boys2mengirls2women.org
\nAbout: We are Boy2Men Girls2Women Youth Association. We are a non-profit organization that dedicates itself to mentoring and tutoring at-risk youth in the Fresno, Clovis and Central Unified areas. We offer tutoring sessions provided by Fresno State University and Fresno City College student interns, and mentoring activities that will help the children enhance their leadership skills and instill good character traits. Tutoring is No Cost because of our scholarship program, with only a one-time $25 registration fee per semester. Tutoring sessions are held Tuesdays-Fridays from 3pm to 5pm. Established in 2000. Our foundation is helping to take responsibility for the future of these children. Right now, there are hundreds of children of all ages in our city and community with no place to turn, but crime then jail. Some children can\u2019t be blamed: they are victims of their environment, of society, separated by absent parents, drug and alcohol abusing parents, etc\u2026 We aim to take responsibility for these children and provide a healthy drug and violence-free atmosphere for them. We offer tutoring, after school programs, Summer Camp and special events with a simulated family atmosphere. We strive to keep children from as we say “Falling through the Cracks” (FTC for short). Remember our motto: “if you can save just one child, you can save an entire generation”.<\/p>\n

4. Merced College<\/h3>\n

Rating: 2.8\/5
\nPhone: (209) 384-6000
\nAddress: 3600 M St Merced, CA 95348
\nWebsite: https:\/\/courses.mccd.edu
\nAbout: Specializing in: – Schools – Colleges & Universities Established in 1977.<\/p>\n

5. Treehouse Tutoring And Learning Center<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (209) 819-7815
\nAddress: 780 W Olive Ave Ste 101 Merced, CA 95348
\nWebsite: https:\/\/www.treehousetutoring.org\/home
\nAbout: At Treehouse Tutoring, we believe in individualized service for all our students. This starts with a meeting to discuss your student\u2019s current academic scenario, actionable goals, and a no-cost assessment. We offer tutoring on both Zoom and in-person, with flexibility to suit your scheduling needs. Whether your student needs help catching up in school or wants to get ahead, every student can benefit from extra assistance.<\/p>\n

6. The Potter’s Place<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (209) 384-9547
\nAddress: 1057 N St Merced, CA 95341
\nAbout: The Potter’s Place provides educational services to students. Visit The Potter’s Place’s website for more information.<\/p>\n

7. Tutree In person Tutoring<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (575) 322-5277
\nAbout: Tutree In person Tutoring provides educational services to students. Visit Tutree In person Tutoring’s website for more information.<\/p>\n

8. Montessori Homeschool Learning Center<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (209) 457-7336
\nAddress: 331 Alpine Dr Merced, CA 95340
\nWebsite: https:\/\/www.homeschoollearning.org
\nAbout: Montessori Homeschool is more than just a learning center; we provide a comprehensive and holistic academic support system to enhance your homeschooling efforts. Our aim is to assist you in creating a well-rounded educational experience for your child. In addition to open academic study hours and enrichment classes, we offer a range of resources and tools to support your homeschooling journey. Our trained educators are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the necessary assistance and resources to provide a quality education to your child.<\/p>\n

9. Kumon – Merced<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (209) 259-2330
\nAddress: 755 E Yosemite Ave Ste C Merced, CA 95340
\nWebsite: https:\/\/www.kumon.com\/merced
\nAbout: Kumon – Merced provides educational services to students. Visit Kumon – Merced’s website for more information.<\/p>\n

10. Teachers to Home<\/h3>\n

Rating: NA\/5
\nPhone: (209) 314-5442
\nWebsite: https:\/\/www.teachers2home.com
\nAbout: Teachers to Home provides educational services to students. Visit Teachers to Home’s website for more information.<\/p>\n

Find more tutoring options in California here https:\/\/education-411.com\/tutoring\/california\/<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

There are many great options for tutoring in Merced. Our top choice for best tutoring center in Merced is Blue Jam Music Studio Academic tutoring is important to help Merced students keep up in school and advance. Tutoring is available for math, ELA, science and more. Top 3 Tutoring Centers in Merced 1. Blue Jam […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":6327,"parent":2004,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4445"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=4445"}],"version-history":[{"count":1,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4445\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":6861,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4445\/revisions\/6861"}],"up":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/2004"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/6327"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/education-411.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=4445"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}